Child-Centered Play Therapy as an intervention for Children With Autism: A Literature Review

Child-Centered Play Therapy 

Sophia Karidas


 Child-centered play treatment upholds scholastic achievement, conduct results, diminishing relationship stress, and improving kid parent connections. Play is a path for children to work through formative strains and progress in their own development. The methodology of treatment for different children all the while takes into account the declaration of relational elements and connections among the gathering individuals. The restorative handiness of play has been the focal point of many examinations. Explores that review play-based social mediations for youth with chemical imbalance range problem additionally research play and its incentive for advancement. Children with ASD will in general lean toward articles and exercises of individual interest over social collaborations with age-suitable companions. In these typical therapy treatments, the best ages that will be most effective is the ages of 6 to 8 years old. Most case studies that are shown in this article show from various ages of a child. The method they decide on is based on certain criteria and then decide whether they have met the criteria or not. It has been said by researchers that there is not enough data to conclude whether play therapy is effective and will last in the long run. The result of these cases have led the researchers to an inconclusive lead and need to make a wider variety of study treatments along with the age differences. 

Hillman, Heidi. "Child-Centered Play Therapy as an intervention for Children
With Autism: A Literature Review." Child-Centered Play Therapy as an intervention for Children With Autism: A Literature Review, pp. 198-204.
Child-Centered Play Therapy as an intervention for Children With Autism:
A Literature Review,


  1. I hope that researchers can conclude more data and also widen the age range.

    1. This is an important study, so I hope that there can be data found.

  2. I look forward to seeing the results of this research. The age range and long-term effects are especially interesting. Hopefully it can benefit a wider age range and the long-term effects are positive.

  3. It's good to see them attempting to make improvements. I hope the research reflects good results

  4. seeing kids improve physically and mentally is the best thing.


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