Welcome to UConn ECE Play blog



  1. https://www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.lib.uconn.edu/science/article/pii/S0749379710005544

  2. This will help me understand that children are more complex than we've expected. And that their play is one of those intricate things that greatly impact their development. This will help me with not only my children in the future but also my younger cousins and the children I work with in my churches ministry.

  3. The research that I conducted, helped me learn that not only can play, be physical but it can also be an educational video game. And, within that, video games can also aid in the behavioral change in kids and help them eat better, or be more physically active.

  4. This will allow me to realize that kids are more difficult than we expected. And that their play has a major impact on their development and happiness. In the future, this will help me not only with my children, but also with my siblings and the children I work with when it comes down to babysitting. 


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