Take Two ipads And Call Me In The Morning: Tablets can be as effective as sedatives for children in hospitals


In today’s society, kids are being handed ipads and watch tv shows, movies, and play games. Many people frown upon the use of ipads at such a young age, however, there are some positive contributing factors. It is said that Ipads calm nerves, and according to new research it is just as effective as anesthesia. In a study conducted 115 children that were awaiting surgeries were split into two groups. Sixty were given iPads that allowed them to play games, featuring familiar animals like cats, dogs and frogs, and puzzles. The popular app Angry Birds was also an option. The other 55 were given a low dose of the sedative midazolam. A conclusion was made claiming that the drug and the iPads worked equally well at soothing nerves, however, the parents of the kids that were playing with iPads were less anxious than those in the other group. A researcher named Dominique Chassard, states that "All forms of distraction decrease anxiety. Tablets are very familiar for children and thus the best way to distract attention from the medical environment.”  This electronic play has more benefits than many people thought. Outside of the hospital, it is important to use Ipads and other electronic play in moderation. Physical and outdoor play is key in a child’s life and should never be ignored. It is hard to ignore the fact that technology is taking over. Ipads are appropriate for children to use, however you should not over do it. 


  1. I find it interesting how iPads were found to calm nerves like anesthesia. I guess it makes sense especially when it comes to those who suffer with bad anxiety and need a distraction.


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